Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Response of Law to New Technology Contraception Essay

The rapid advances in science and medicine since 1950, and especially the advances in computer technology since 1980, have revolutionized the way society functions. It is widely recognized that our society is making a transition from the industrial manufacturing age to an information age. In contrast, the U.S. Constitution and most of our common law was written when people lived in an agrarian economy prior to 1850. Law has been slow to adapt to the choices posed by technology. While I believe that knowledge, opportunities, and choices are inherently Good, there are the possibilities of (1) prohibiting or restricting use of new technologies for no good reason or (2) of misusing technology to harm people. Law that made sense in 1850, or†¦show more content†¦Mail by the Comstock Law, together with quot;obscene, lewd or lasciviousquot; publications. See U.S. v. Chase, 135 U.S. 255, 257 (1890); Andrews v. U.S., 162 U.S. 420 (1896). As a result, condoms were sold for prevention o f sexually-transmitted disease (i.e., quot;prophylacticsquot;), not as contraceptives. Some state statutes, notably in Connecticut, prohibited the distribution of information about contraception and also prohibited the distribution of contraceptive devices or drugs. The U.S. Supreme Court in a series of three famous decisions, invalidated laws making contraception illegal. In Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965), the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a Connecticut state law that prohibited use of contraceptives and also prohibited any person (including a physician or pharmacist) from giving advice about contraception. Because Griswold, who was director of a Planned Parenthood clinic and a professor at Yale Medical School, was giving married people information, instruction, and medical advice about contraception, this case is sometimes said to uphold the right of married people to have information about contraception. In Eisenstadt v. Baird. 405 U.S. 438 (1972), the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a Massachusetts state law that prohibited the sale or gift of nonprescription contraceptives. Because Baird gave a can of spermicidal foam to an adult unmarried woman, this case upholds the right ofShow MoreRelatedBirth Control: Past and Present1245 Words   |  5 Pagesback to the days of Aristotle who is thought to be the first person use different herbs and oils as spermicides (www.pbs.org). In an age where pregnancy prevention and contraception is extremely prevalent, it is interesting to think of a time where it was just as prevalent, but preformed without the medicines and modes of contraception we use today. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Diabetes Mellitus ( T1dm ) Essay - 1668 Words

Diabetes Mellitus, more commonly known as Diabetes, affects approximately 26 million individuals in the United States. As a whole, Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic condition in which the body either expresses an intolerance to insulin, or it is unable to produce enough insulin to meet its needs. Diabetes Mellitus is classified into categories, with Type 1, Type 2, and gestational being the most well known. Each of these types may demonstrate many of the same signs and symptoms, however, there are differences worth taking note of in order to prevent future macrovascular and/or microvascular complications among diagnosed patients. Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is considered an auto-immune disorder characterized by a lack of insulin production caused by the body’s own destruction of pancreatic cells. The body needs insulin to process and store glucose for energy, and a lack of production causes blood glucose levels to become elevated. Roughly 5-10% of those who are diagnosed with diabe tes fall into the type 1 category with numbers expected to grow with the next 20 years (Albright, 2013, p. 91). While diagnosis can occur at any age, a significantly large part of the type 1 diabetic community is diagnosed as children and adolescents, which is why type 1 diabetes is often referred to as juvenile onset, presenting itself between the ages of 5 and 7 years. In an online journal, Atkinson, Eisenbarth, and Michels (2013) explored the prevalence of type 1 diabetes within males and femalesShow MoreRelatedType 1 Diabetes Mellitus ( T1dm )1456 Words   |  6 PagesINTRODUCTION Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is the most common metabolic disorder in which both genetic and environmental factors are involved [1]. T1DM is considered a chronic immune-mediated disorder. It was hypothesized that whilst children have a genetic predisposition to T1DM, there is likely to be an environmental factor that triggers the development of T1DM. Possible triggers that have been suggested include viral infection, vaccines, low levels of vitamin D and cow’s milk, [2]. OxidativeRead MoreType 1 Diabetes Mellitus ( T1dm )2058 Words   |  9 PagesType 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) results from a defect in insulin secretion in the body. T1DM may happen at any age and it is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood and adolescents (Misso, Egberts, Page, O’Connor, Shaw, 2010). Long-term complications of T1DM include retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and cardiovascular disease. There is no prevention or cure for T1DM, and the treatment is a life-long insuli n replacement regimen. Proper and accurate glycemic control is critical toRead MoreDisease Pathophysiology And Treatment Of Diabetes Mellitus1464 Words   |  6 PagesDisease Pathophysiology and Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Rogelio Gonzales University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 1. Introduction â€Å"Diabetes mellitus, by far the most common of all endocrine disorders, is one of the foremost public health concerns confronting the world today. Over 23 million individuals in the United States, or 8% of the population, have diabetes. An estimated 17.5 million have been diagnosed, but 5.5 million (nearly one fourth) are unaware they have the disease† (NelmsRead MoreApplication Of Self Care Theory For Patients With Diabetes1567 Words   |  7 PagesApplication of Self-Care Theory for Patients with Diabetes Nursing theory can be used to solve many types of issues in patient care. Problems that the advanced practice nurse (APRN) encounter benefit significantly from nursing theories. Sometimes nursing theories are developed by observing these nursing problems and their solutions. Dorthea Orem (1914-2007) is a nursing theorist who developed the nursing theories about self-care. She describes self-care as the individual’s ability to complete activitiesRead MoreConcept Of Self Care For Patients With Diabetes Essay2095 Words   |  9 Pagesof this analysis is to understand the concept of self-care in relation to patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus from Dorthea Orem’s theories: theory of self-care, theory of self-care deficit, the theory of nursing systems, and the theory of dependent care. Each step of the framework provided by Walker and Avant (2005) will be used to evaluate the concept of self-care for patients with diabetes in the following sections: definition, literature review, defining attributes, antecedents, consequencesRead MoreDiabetic Nephropathy : The Leading Cause Of Chronic Kidney Diseases Worldwide And Most Of The Affected Patients1143 Words   |  5 Pagesdiseases worldwide and most of the affected patients have T2DM. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Role of Madness in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Free Essays

The novella Heart of Darkness was written by the British novelist Joseph Conrad and appeared, before its publication in 1902, as a three-part series in Blackwood’s Magazine. This frame tale or â€Å"story within a story† follows the lead character Charlie Marlow as he describes his adventures to a group of men aboard a ship. It also tells of an earlier event in Marlow’s life, at a time when he was working as a steamboat captain in a country whose name is not specified in the book. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Madness in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness or any similar topic only for you Order Now The story provides readers with a glimpse into the mind and soul of Marlow as he travels through the literal â€Å"Heart of Darkness† and comes face-to-face with the atrocities of racism and slavery. Marlow’s predecessor, the government-employed ivory agent Kurtz, dominates the natives through violence and coercion. When the two men finally meet, Marlow recognizes in Kurtz a mere shell of a man, the substance and soul of which has been devoured by the contempt of his own morals. This realization propels Marlow to scrutinize his own virtues and to decide whether or not to compromise them for the sake of wealth. The novella revolves around three central themes: â€Å"the hypocrisy of imperialism, madness as a result of imperialism, and the absurdity of evil† (http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/heart/facts.html, 2006a). In Heart of Darkness, madness is closely associated with the concept of imperialism. In the text, Africa is presented as a cause and catalyst for diseases of the body and of the mind. Madness also serves two functions in the novella. First, it functions as â€Å"an ironic device to engage the reader’s sympathies† (http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/heart/themes.html, 2006b). As Marlow is informed from the beginning, the ivory agent Kurtz is â€Å"mad†. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that this madness is relative; that madness in the context of the setting in which the characters move is quite hard to define. This causes the reader to develop a feeling of sympathy towards Kurtz and a sense of doubt and mistrust towards the Company. It also propels Marlow, who was initially suspicious of Kurtz, to sympathize with him. Madness also serves to create the â€Å"necessity of social fictions† (http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/heart/themes.html, 2006b). Even though rationales and social norms are strewn throughout Heart of Darkness, they are ultimately proved to be utterly false and even causative of evil. However, they are indispensable in the quest of providing a sense of personal security and harmony among groups. In Heart of Darkness, madness is the result of having been detached from one’s own social realm and being permitted to become the lone arbitrator of one’s own actions. Therefore, madness is associated not only with supreme power and moral genius but to man’s primary and deep-seated imperfection: the character of Kurtz answers to no one but himself, and this proves too much for any one person to tolerate. In Heart of Darkness, Kurtz proves unable to resolve the contradictions between his own moral beliefs and cultural assumptions and subsequently sinks into madness when he begins to identify with the natives. Marlow says that Kurtz had gone mad because his soul â€Å"Being along in the wilderness,†¦ had looked into itself, and by heavens! I tell you, it had gone mad.† (http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/eng109/HeartSG.htm). This is in contrast to Kurtz’s nature of being power-hungry. The madness begins when Kurtz, who is mad with power provided by his absolute control over his domain, begins to succumb to the lure of the wilderness and the native people. He goes mad when his greed clashes with his growing affinity towards the natives. The subsequent moral dilemma proves too much for him. Marlow, in his recounting of his adventures, says that the moment of the native ceremony was the moment when he realized that Kurtz had gone mad when he went alone into the wilderness, when his spirit had been left alone with itself. Marlow recognizes that Kurtz is under the spell of the wilderness and tries to understand what had drawn Kurtz into â€Å"the edge of the forest†¦ towards the throb of drums, the drone of weird incantations;†¦ beguiled his unlawful soul†¦ beyond the bounds of permitted aspiration† (http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/eng109/HeartSG.htm). Marlow, who is uninterested with wealth or advancement in the Company, is focused chiefly on keeping his sanity amidst the madness in his surroundings. Nevertheless, his experiences leave him broken and distressed. The physical and mental torment he was forced to endure proved to be too much for him. Through Kurtz, Marlow had been drawn into the horror as well. When Kurtz says his last words, â€Å"The horror! The horror!† (http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/eng109/HeartSG.htm), Marlow was forced to face death. The experience leaves him bewildered and disturbed. He tells the group that when the natives buried Kurtz, they had almost buried him as well. When he returns to the city from which he came, Marlow finds the people there stupid and he continues to dwell on Kurtz and the remnants of the life Kurtz had left behind. When he goes to visit Kurtz’s fiancà ©, he feels the presence of Kurtz’s spirit entering the house with him. As Marlow proceeds into the fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s house, he imagines the natives dancing around their ceremonial fires, and hears Kurtz’s voice discussing ivory. Madness, as a theme in Heart of Darkness, serves to reinforce the fact that when given absolute power over himself and those under his influence, man is susceptible to his own dark nature. Work Cited Conrad, J. (1899). Heart of Darkness. In Davis, et. al. Eds. (1995). Western Literature in a World Context Volume 2: The Enlightenment throughout the Present. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Retrieved from http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/eng109/HeartSG.htm on November 15, 2006. Sparknotes. (2006a). Heart of Darkness Study Guide. Sparknotes: Today’s Most Popular Study Guides from Barnes Noble. Retrieved from http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/heart/facts.html on November 14, 2006. Sparknotes. (2006b). Heart of Darkness Study Guide: Themes, Motifs and Symbols. Sparknotes: Today’s Most Popular Study Guides from Barnes Noble. Retrieved from http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/heart/themes.html on November 14, 2006. How to cite The Role of Madness in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Generalization in Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Question: Discuss about the Generalization in Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Answer: Introduction: Visa Inc. is a multinational financial services corporation which was formed in 2007. It was started in the United States and has its headquarters at Foster City in California, United States. Visa Inc. has helped to facilitate the transfer of funds electronically in the whole world. The most commonly used Visa products are the Visa credit cards and the Visa debit cards. These cards have been globally accepted, and are used in transactions to pay for goods or services in different places all over the world (United States Patent No. US7650308 B2, 2010). Since establishment, Visa Inc. has been expanding across the whole world and has managed to enter almost all the countries in the world. In its expansion process, Visa Inc. has encountered various problems. Among the major problems faced by Visa Inc. include problems of fraud, competition from other similar companies like MasterCard, and lack of trust from some members of the general public. Visa Inc. has been faced with other many other problems but the problems stated are the major problems which have been affecting its performance in the global market. In this research, we are going to address some of the major problems faced by Visa Inc. As we stated in the problem definition section, the major problems which have been limiting the performance of Visa Inc. are increased cases fraud, stiff competition from other similar companies like MasterCard, and lack of trust from some members of the general public. In this proposal, we shall analyze these problems in details to determine how they have affected different users of Visa Inc. products in the whole world. We shall use Australia as a case study in our research, and the results of our research can be used to represent the whole world. Our research will be based on different towns located in Australia. The problems which face the users of Visa Inc. products in Australia are the same problems which face the other users in different places of the world. To meet our objectives, we shall do a detailed research in different places within Australia to determine the major problems which face Visa Inc. in Australia. In our research, we shall involve various respondents who use Visa Inc. products for us to know the major problems or challenges faced by these users. Like the other companies, Visa Inc. Corporation has been working very hard to identify the problems faced by its customers for it to do the necessary rectifications to solve these problems for it to offer better services to its customers. Every company desires to offer the best services to its customers for it to satisfy them and make them happy. Satisfied and happy customers will always be loyal to a company, and this will earn the company more profits which will enhance its growth. Research design defines the methods or approaches which should be used in carrying out research. The commonly used research designs are the qualitative research design, quantitative design, and the mixed methods research design (Creswell, 2013). The researcher should determine the research design to be used depending on the type of data to be collected and some determining other factors. An appropriate research design is very necessary for any research to be successful. Qualitative research is the approach which deals with the collection and analysis of the non-numerical data (Silverman, 2016). In qualitative research, the data is collected in forms of images, videos, recordings, texts, and many other non-numerical forms. On the other hand, quantitative research is an approach where data is collected and analyzed in numerical forms (Beck and Polit, 2010, pp.1451-1458). Due to the numerical nature of the data, the analysis of the data requires that some mathematical software such as Excel or SPSS or use of some mathematical devices such as calculators. Mixed methods design combines both numerical and non-numerical types of data. The combination of the different forms of data makes this method better than any of the other two research designs since it overcomes the limitations of the individual methods (Onwuegbuzie and Leech, 2009, pp.265-275). Most researchers prefer to use mixed methods design in their research since it combines both numerical and n on-numerical types of data which are encountered in many research problems. In our case, we shall use mixed methods design to carry out the research. The mixed methods research design will be the most appropriate design in our research since we shall use both numerical and non-numerical forms of data. Our research objectives are to identify the major problems faced by Visa Inc. To meet our objectives, we shall do extensive research to meet different users of Visa Inc. products in Australia and determine the major problems which are faced by these people. We shall use questionnaire data collection method in our research. Questionnaire method is an appropriate method of collecting data in our research since it will give the respondents the privacy and freedom of expressing their views without any manipulation effects(Gillham, 2008). We have various sampling techniques used in research. Some of the most commonly used sampling techniques include random sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling (Cochran, 2007). The researcher should choose the best sampling technique for him/her to obtain the best results of his or her research. Random sampling is a technique where all the members of the whole population have equal probabilities of being selected. The selection of any member of the population is done randomly, and the selection is not influenced by the other members in any way (Yossef, Technion, and Haifa, 2008). Stratified sampling is a technique where the researcher divides the whole population into different sub-groups referred to as strata. The researcher then selects the samples randomly from each of the different strata. In cluster sampling, the researcher first selects some small groups from the entire population. These small groups are referred to as clusters. After selecting the clusters, the researcher can now select the individual subjects from the clusters by simple or systematic random approaches (Baffetta, Bacaro, and Fattorini, 2007). In our research, we shall use random sampling. The main advantage of random sampling is that all the samples are selected randomly, and this gives all the samples an equal chance of being selected which will represent the whole population fairly without any bias. We shall use a sample size of five thousand (5000) users of Visa Inc. products in Australia. These users will be selected randomly, and we shall select users from different parts of the country to reduce some geographical limitations. This sample size will be good to give fairly accurate results which will represent all the users of Visa Inc. products in Australia. This is the stage which involves collecting and analyzing the data of the most common problems facing the users of the products of Visa Inc. To ease the process of data collection, the researchers will be divided into fifty different groups. Each group will visit a different place within Australia to deliver the questionnaire forms to different users of Visa Inc. products. The researchers should make sure all the questionnaire forms are given to the right respondents. The researchers should also ensure the respondents fill the questionnaire forms accordingly to avoid some errors which may arise during data analysis if the questionnaire forms are not filled as required. After collecting the required data, we shall do the necessary analysis of the data to help us to answer the research questions. Our analysis will mainly involve comparison of the numbers of customers facing various problems. We shall consider the most common problems which have been faced by most of the users of Visa Inc. products in Australia and our results will help us to make the necessary recommendations in our final research report. These common problems are the major problems which face the users of Visa Inc. products in Australia and the whole world in general. Budget and timeline of the research Research Activity Start Date Duration in Weeks End Date Budget in AUD Carrying out a detailed literature review of the major problems facing the users of Visa Inc. products 10TH October 2017 1 week 17TH October 2017 1000 AUD Preparation of the questionnaire forms to be used in the data collection process. 18TH October 2017 1 week 25TH October 2017 2500 AUD Data collection (Travelling to different places for collectinon of the required data) 26TH October 2017 3 weeks 15TH November 2017 7500 AUD Data processing and analysis 16TH November 2017 2 weeks 30TH November 2017 2000 AUD Preparation and documentation of the final research report 1ST December 2017 2 weeks 14TH December 2017 1500 AUD Total budget 14500 AUD A sample dummy table of the hypothetical results Problem faced Number of users who have faced this problem Percentage of the number of users facing this problem compared to the total number of users (5000) Classification of the problem as a major or minor problem Fraud cases 4177 83.54% Major problem High transaction charges 1019 20.38% Minor problem Discouragement from the other people 3355 67.1% Major problem Other problems 807 16.14% Minor problem These are just hypothetical results of our research. Carrying out the actual research will help the researchers to determine the major problems which are faced by the users of Visa Inc. products. Having known the major problems and challenges facing the users of Viser Inc. products, the researchers can make a full report and give the recommendations which can be implemented to address these challenges. References Beck, D. F. (2010). Generalization in quantitative and qualitative research: Myths and strategies. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(11), 1451-1458. Cochran, W. (2007). Sampling techniques. John Wiley Sons. Cooper, P. S. (2008). Business Research Methods (10TH ed.). McGraw Hill. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (Fourth ed.). London: Sage Publications. David Richey, M. K. (2008). Method and system for facilitating electronic dispute resolution. California: Visa U.S.A. Inc. Baffetta, G. B. (2007). Multi-stage cluster sampling for estimating average species richness at different spatial grains. Community Ecology, 8(1). Gillham, B. (2008). Developing a Questionnaire. London: Continuum International Publishing Group. Indrani Medhi, S. N. (2009). A comparison of mobile money-transfer UIs for non-literate and semi-literate users. ACM, 1741-1750 . John Hamilton Macllwaine, P. S. (2010). The United States Patent No. US9697520 B2. Kahn, J. B. (2016). Research in education. Pearson Education. Loc Nguyen, S. P. (2010). United States Patent No. US7650308 B2. Onwuegbuzie, N. L. (2009). A typology of mixed methods research designs. Quality Quantity, 43(2), 265275. Porter, M. E. (2008). On Competition. Cambridge: Harvard Business Press. Robert W. Taylor, E. J. (2014). Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism (3rd ed.). New York: Prentice Hall Press. Silverman, D. (2016). Qualitative Research. London: Sage Publications. Ziv Bar-Yossef, T. a. (2008). Random sampling from a search engine's index. Journal of the ACM, 55(5).