Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Leadership †Making the Business Successful

Leadership has different meanings to various authors.   Leadership could be defined as influence, that is, the art of process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals (Bass, 1981).   Although their approach to leadership theory is primarily one of analyzing lead ­ership style, Fred E. Fiedler and his associates at the University of Illinois have suggested a contingency theory of leadership (Fiedler, 1967). The theory holds that people become leaders not only because of the attributes of their personalities but also because of various situational factors and the interactions between leaders and group members. On the basis of his studies, Fiedler de ­scribed three critical dimensions of the leadership situation that help determine what style of leadership will be most effective (Miner, 1982): Position power is the degree to which the power of a position, as distinguished from other sources of power, such as personality or expertise, enables a leader to get group members to comply with directions; in the case of managers, this is the power arising from organizational authority. As Fiedler points out, a leader with clear and considerable position power can obtain good followership more easily than one without such power (Bowers, 1975). With the dimension of Task structure, Fiedler had in mind the extent to which tasks can be clearly spelled out and people held responsible for them. If tasks are clear (rather than vague and unstructured), the quality of performance can be more easily controlled and group members can be held more definitely responsible for performance. Fiedler regarded the dimension of Leader-member relations as the most im ­portant from a leader’s point of view, since position power and task structure may be largely under the control of an enterprise. It has to do with the extent to which group members like, trust, and are willing to follow a leader (Yuki, 1981). To approach his study, Fiedler set forth two major styles of leadership. One of these is primarily task-oriented; that is, the leader gains satis ­faction from seeing tasks performed. The other is oriented primarily toward achiev ­ing good interpersonal relations and attaining a position of personal prominence. Favorableness of situation was defined by Fiedler as the degree to which a given situation enables a leader to exert influence over a group. To measure leadership styles and determine whether a leader is chiefly task-oriented, Fiedler used an unusual testing technique (Kirkpatrick & Locke, 1991). He based his findings on two sources: (1) scores on the least preferred coworker (LPC) scale – these are ratings made by people in a group as to those with whom they would least like to work; and (2) scores on the assumed similarity between opposites (ASO) scale–ratings based on the degree to which leaders see group members as being like themselves, on the assumption that people will like best, and work best with, those who are seen as most like them ­selves. Today the LPC scale is most commonly used in research. In developing this scale, Fiedler asked respondents to identify the traits of a person with whom they could work least well (Fiedler, 1967). Leadership performance depends as much on the organization as it depends on the leader's own attributes. Except perhaps for the unusual case, it is simply not meaningful to speak of an effective leader or an ineffective leader; we can only speak of a leader who tends to be effective in one situation and ineffective in another. If we wish to increase organizational and group effectiveness we must learn not only how to train leaders more effectively but also how to build an organizational environment in which the leader can perform well (Indvik, 1986). In a highly structured situation, such as in the military during a war, where the leader has strong position power and good relations with members, there is a favorable situation in which task orientation is most appropriate. The other ex ­treme, an unfavorable situation with moderately poor relations, an unstructured task, and weak position power, also suggests task orientation by the leader, who may reduce anxiety or ambiguity that could be created by the loosely structured situation. Between the two extremes, the suggested approach emphasizes cooperation and good relations with people. To conclude, leadership is the art or process of influencing people so that they contribute willingly and enthusiastically toward group goals. Leadership requires followership. The approach to leadership, built on the assumption that leaders are the product of given situations, focuses on the study of situations. Fiedler’s contingency approach takes into account the position power of the leader, the structure of the task, and the relations between the leader and group members. This would make the followers to like, trust and follow the leader. The conclu ­sion is that there is no one best leadership style and that managers can be successful if placed in appropriate situations. References Bass, Barnard M. 1981. Stodgill’s Handbook of Leadership: A survey of theory and research, Rev. ed, New York: The Free Press. Bowers, David G. 1975. â€Å"Hierarchy, Function and the Generalizability of Leadership Prac ­tices,† in James G. Hunt and Lars L. Larson (eds.), Leadership Frontiers (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1975), pp. 167-180. Fiedler, Fred E. 1967. A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967). Indvik, Julie. 1986. â€Å"Path Goal Theory of Leadership: A Meta-Analysis,† in John A. Pearce II and Richard B. Robinson, Jr. (eds.), Academy of Management Best Papers-Proceedings, Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago (Aug. 13-16, 1986), pp. 189-192. Kirkpatrick, Shelley A. & Locke, Edwin A. 1991. â€Å"Leadership: Do Traits Matter?† Academy of Management Executive (May 1991), pp. 48-60. Miner, John B. 1982. Theories of Organizational Structure and Process, Hinsdale, Ill.: The Dryden Press, Chap.2. Yuki, Gary A. 1981.   Leadership in Organization, (Englewood Cliffs, N.]: Prentice-Hall, chap. 4.                                       

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jarhead Movie Review

A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands; love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle. † Jarred is not a war movie about a physical war between countries; it is about an internal war a soldier faces during, and following a physical war in which he is a witness.The main character, Tony Oxfords tells his story starting at boot camp, through the first Gulf war, and shortly after his discharge; in an attempt to give the audience a better understanding of what happens within a soldiers mind as a result of being in combat. It is incredibly hard to imagine the toll that being in the Marine Corps, and being involved in such a situation, could take on your mind and body but this movie makes a really good attempt.Unlike most war movies Jarred does not focus on the enemy or the war at hand, it gives us here at home a little inside look at what the soldiers experience and why their lives and minds are changed forever. Tony shows us how tot camp tore him down and rebuilt him as a killing machine, â€Å"l wanted the pink mist,† he says referring to the splatter of blood seen through the scope of the rifle of a Marine sniper. There are scenes of the soldiers watching the old war movie, Apocalypse Now, following along with the music, and thirsting for the first sight of bloodshed.The soldiers soon get their orders to go overseas and they think that their war is about to begin. When they fly Into the desert and get their orders to guard the oil fields they assume that this Is Just until the war actually begins. When â€Å"their war† anally does begin, Instead of using their carefully honed skills, they are faced with the reality that, unlike the movies they watched with such fascination, foot soldiers are all but useless In our age of technology. They face Inc redible frustration and aggravation playing the waiting game.For Tony's best friend and spotter, Troy, the frustration reaches a boiling point when their one and only opportunity Is quickly taken away by a commanding officer who rather bomb the tower they were scoping out. â€Å"It's our kill! Just let us do It one time, PLEASE,† Troy pleads with the officer as Tony tries to calm him down. The officer calls the Jets to complete the mission and Troy Is reduced to the fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably. It Is a very painful scene to take In. Just to Imagine how frustrated a grown man has to be to succumb to such a state of utter disappointment.In today's society we have all heard of post- traumatic stress disorder (PETS), watching this movie gives the viewer's Insight as to why/what kinds of events transpire that could cause a person to experience PETS. The scene where they come across a traffic Jam that was turned to ash Is very surreal, owe will those soldiers feel when t hey see or are In a traffic Jam once they return home? The final scene shows Tony looking out the window In his apartment back dying; will always be me. We are still In the desert. The director hammers home the basis that Marines are Marines forever, especially In their own minds. Once they witness war they are forever changed, their life Is never the same. Jarred Movie Review By Confederacy war is about to begin. When they fly into the desert and get their orders to guard the oil fields they assume that this is Just until the war actually begins. When â€Å"their war† anally does begin, instead of using their carefully honed skills, they are faced with are all but useless in our age of technology.They face incredible frustration and frustration reaches a boiling point when their one and only opportunity is quickly out. â€Å"It's our kill! Just let us do it one time, PLEASE,† Troy pleads with the officer as Troy is reduced to the fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably . It is a very painful scene to take in. Just to imagine how frustrated a grown man has to be to succumb to such traumatic stress disorder (PETS), watching this movie gives the viewer's insight as toThe scene where they come across a traffic Jam that was turned to ash is very surreal, how will those soldiers feel when they see or are in a traffic Jam once they return home? The final scene shows Tony looking out the window in his apartment back home, seeing nothing but desert, and he quotes, â€Å"And all the Soreheads; killing and dying; will always be me. We are still in the desert. † The director hammers home the basis that Marines are Marines forever, especially in their own minds. Once they witness war they are forever changed, their life is never the same.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Three Gorges Dam in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Three Gorges Dam in China - Research Paper Example â€Å"The massive project sets records for number of people displaced (more than 1.2 million), number of cities and towns flooded (13 cities, 140 towns, 1,350 villages), and length of reservoir (more than 600 kilometers)† (Three Gorges Dam). its location. China's huge Three Gorges Dam hydro-power project could spark a "catastrophe" unless accumulating environmental threats are quickly defused, senior officials and experts have warned. The dam, which is located in Hubei province in south-western China, is the world's biggest hydro-electric project. Inaugurated in 2006 it began generating electricity in 2003(Chinese government fears Three Gorges Dam â€Å"catastrophe) Three Gorges Dam has caught the headlines of media recently because of the huge concerns about the environmental impacts it may generate in Chinese territory. Environmentalists, not only from China, but also from other parts of the world unanimously opposed this project because of the huge threats it may cause to wild animals and to the environment. At the same time, Chinese authorities describe it as a landmark which has proved the technological advancements or dominance achieved by China. Moreover, Chinese authorities claim that the success of this project was achieved through the careful blending of social, engineering and economic capitals. They also argued that this dam is the greatest victory man achieved over nature because of the complexities involved in the construction of this dam. Amidst all such exaggerated or colourful claims, many people in the world are looking at this project suspiciously because of the environmental impacts it can cause not only to China, but also to the neighbouring nations. Erosion, landslides etc are some of the major threats other than the threats to the habitats of wild animals, as a result of the construction of this dam. This paper analyses the reasons for the construction of this dam, arguments of ecological organizations against it, alternate option s which could have been used, future plans of Chinese authorities to construct such dams etc. Chinese authorities labelled Three Gorges dam as a multipurpose dam because of the multiple utilities it can provide to the public and the nation. The entire world is currently facing severe energy shortages and it is necessary for each country to find out alternate energy sources since most of the energy sources available on earth are non-renewable in nature. For example, bio fuel or petroleum is a non-renewable energy source which is used extensively all over the world. According to some estimates, the available oil stocks may be used up within another 30 or 40 years time and it is necessary to find out alternate energy sources. Solar energy is a non-renewable energy source; however, cheap technologies have not been developed yet to exploit solar energy. Hydroelectric power is a renewable energy source and it is necessary for a big country like China to exploit such power as much as possi ble since alternate options are limited. Another reason for the construction of this dam is the increasing threats of floods. It should be noted that because of global warming and subsequent atmospheric temperature rise, huge ice blocs in the polar region are melting and as a result of that the probabilities of flood increasing day by day. Yangtze River is extremely vulnerable to flood threats and in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Right to Die Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Right to Die - Essay Example They are against organizations and people who believe that everyone has an intrinsic right and autonomy to choose life or death under any circumstances especially in the face of emotional and physical suffering. People who choose to end their lives under any circumstances have a choice of being euthanized in hospital settings or seek the help of physicians to commit suicide. Euthanasia is the compassionate killing of an individual painlessly. This service is obtainable for people who have terminal, painful and debilitating diseases or handicaps with death being the only hope for them. People who choose death can choose active euthanasia, refuse life prolonging treatments or choose to be assisted to commit suicide. The governing of these services is through various legal requirements including the patient’s state of mind and reasons why they choose to die. Active euthanasia is the deliberate act by a doctor to end a person’s life by use of lethal medicines; passive eutha nasia is the withdrawal of life saving treatments and nourishment that sustains life. Euthanasia is voluntary and must be requested by the patient orally or through written requests. Immediate family members or people bestowed with power of attorneys by patients may also request for the service if the patient is mentally incapacitated, clinically brain dead, or in a persistent vegetative state (PVS). There is persecution of doctors and physicians who administer euthanasia or assist patients who have chosen death over treatment by some sections of the society even in countries that have legalized euthanasia. Some have had their licenses revoked and further punished by jail terms without the consideration that euthanasia takes place on compassionate grounds. Background People are increasingly choosing to die, when medical conditions become unmanageable and they suffer too much emotional and physical pain. Communication for this choice is through both oral and written requests when one is fully competent. Alternatively, through pre- written wills by competent people who direct that they be put to death in the event that they lose their mental faculty due to disease or accidents. People who write advance directives may give instructions on what should be done in case a disease or accident makes them incompetent. Thus, they can refuse life prolonging treatments using life support machines or request for active euthanasia when their diseases make them incompetent, incapacitated or virtually dependent on people for survival. A person may choose death driven by the hate of helplessness and dependence that makes the quality of life poor. When in this state, many people refuse treatment, food and some attempt suicide where euthanasia is not legal. Where euthanasia is legal, it is often the moral responsibility of the family and patient’s physicians to heed the patients requests, upon meeting all legal requirements in which a person has the right to choose to die. Normally, it is only the patient’s doctors and close family members who may decide if the person’s wish to die has any merit, based on medical prognosis, emotional status, mental competence and degree of physical pain. People against the right to choose death believe that causing death on compassionate

Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium Research Paper

Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium - Research Paper Example The next thing is the connection between the law of diminishing marginal utility and the law of demand. The article describes the law of diminishing marginal utility that every additional unit brings lower satisfaction than the previous one. Therefore, every additional unit is given a lower price. Thus it is connected with the law of demand that the lower the price the higher the quantity demanded. Demand is defined as the willingness and ability of a consumer to buy a product. It is inversely related to price. When the price of good increases, its demand decreases and vice versa. The quantity of a good the consumer is willing to buy at specific prices is called a demand schedule. It shows how demand changes with the price. The graphical presentation of a demand schedule is called a demand curve. Utility is relevant to our course as we need to know about utility of a product to clear our views about what people pursue and pay for. Demand and its connection with the law of diminishing utility is also significant as we need to know about demand to see what people want and how much they want of a specific commodity and thus decide how it can be supplied. (Schafermeyer, 2000) Now the price change only changes the quantity demanded of a product but there are certain factors that change the entire demand of a product. ... In addition to that, the number of consumers is also directly proportional to demand. Consumer tastes and preferences have a strong impact on the demand as well. A good might be cheaper but the consumer may reject it if it doesn’t suit him. Moreover, if consumers expect the price to rise, they buy more of the existing stock and thus the demand increases. When the demand increases, the curve shifts towards the right and when it falls it shifts towards the left. The factors affecting the demand are a part of the learning requirement of our course as they change a force that controls the market. (Schafermeyer, 2000) The article defines Supply as the willingness and ability of a firm to produce a good at given price in a certain time period. Like demand, supply also has a relation with price but it is a direct one instead of an indirect one. When the price of a good rises, its supply rises. The quantity of a good supplied at a range of prices is called a supply schedule. The graph ical presentation of the supply schedule is called supply curve. The supply curve and its basics are also significant according to the syllabus as the second force controlling the market. (Schafermeyer, 2000) Apart from price, the cost of production also affects the supply. If the production costs are high then the producers will be reluctant to produce the good to avoid losses at lower prices. The number of sellers in a market also determines how much quantity will be supplied. Furthermore, the price of related goods also affects the supply of an object as the producers will shift to the good with a higher price. Lastly, if a seller expects the price to go up in some time then he will reduce the supply and wait for the right time to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Midwifery Code of Conduct Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Midwifery Code of Conduct - Essay Example The healthcare industry is making efforts to offer and continue offering quality care and increase the credentials that enhance the competitiveness of organizations. Â  Scholars Lundy and Janes in their research argued that the main objective of healthcare administration is to ensure that the delivery of healthcare reaches residents in the efficient ways, to the required standards. Governments ensure that the provision of healthcare ensures continued support in the growth of the economies. This cannot be delivered if the administration and the organization as a whole do not prioritize work-life balance and team building among its employees as well as other stakeholders. Enhancing work-life balance is therefore very crucial to ensuring the success and stability of these organizations, and the companies should invest in promoting and building work-life balance for increased productivity and service delivery. This is a decisive move, applicable in building management and leadership to move in the leadership capacity of the health management and practitioners (Site, 2012). There are three potential models for healthcare organizations. These models a re corporate/business models, the orchestrator and the community model. These models represent the different ways in which hospitals conduct their operations. The corporate model is for hospitals, which are operated as financial entities. These hospitals’ main aim is making profit just like any other business. The orchestrator model is for hospitals, which are operated, similar to airports or malls. In this model, hospitals are looked at as providers of infrastructure for specialized and independent health providers. The final model is the community model where the needs of people come before the finance issues (Site, 2012). Â  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Love dying ritual article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Love dying ritual article - Essay Example From among the figurative languages, the following were noteworthy: â€Å"they are, willy-nilly, in a hookup culture† (Raspberry par. 2) to mean that young adolescent students just go with the tide or proceed without any plan in a culture that is apparently pegged as virtually experimenting with relationships; â€Å"scratching my head† (Raspberry par. 9) to possibly mean confused, disbelieving or disapproving; â€Å"could have batted my eyes† (Raspberry par. 10) to mean to show either surprise or concern; among others. The use of figurative language was therefore effective in enticing emotional appeal from the readers. â€Å"sex was the Super Bowl of relationships† (Raspberry par. 11) and â€Å"it’s (referring to sex) just a pickup game† (Raspberry par. 11). Evidently, the author did not want to make literal translations of comparing sex to either the Super Bowl or a pickup game; but by thinking of some creative facets to compare it with, the readers’ imagination are thereby supposedly stirred and expanded. As such, through the use of metaphors, Raspberry made comparative arguments more exciting. Finally, the author uses a hyperbole or an statement that could be grossly exaggerated: â€Å"dint of ironclad personal values† (Raspberry par. 12) when asserting that some youngsters still preserve traditional beliefs. In conjunction with the appropriate tone, which was not too serious or too superfluous, the author was able to deliver the intended message with an intermittent injection of humor and wit. Likewise, the appropriate use of emotionally charged language would eventually make readers empathize with those students the author mentioned as going along the flow to supposedly get along (Raspberry 13). Overall, Raspberry used an interplay of rhetorical devises, ranging from the application of figurative language,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Christian Counseling vs. Professional Psychotherapy Essay

Christian Counseling vs. Professional Psychotherapy - Essay Example This discussion highlights that  advice is statement, which helps the person to make the right decision.   It is not as specific as counsel is and has the aim to lead the counseled individual to the right decision.   Advice provides several alternatives and individual decides which alternative is more acceptable to him/her.This paper outlines that  wisdom is a different concept than counsel and advice.   It is not even the trait of the character, but rather the ability to make right decision based on the previous experience and the ability to reason, to consider different alternatives and to make the best decisions.   From Biblical perspective, wisdom comes with the acceptance of the Godly lifestyle and belief into God, while from the general perspective the person is regarded as wise if all of his decisions are logically and ethically right.   The concept of wisdom is introduced in the Bible from the first book:   â€Å"When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.   She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it†.  Wisdom is also the ability to be tolerant to others, the ability to listen to people and to accept their point of view, even if it is very different from the own. Being wise is not about knowing answers to all questions but rather about hearing others, analyzing the situations and finding the most appropriate solution, as the above verse supposes.  ... In this verse, the "counsel" has a different meaning - it indicates the way of life unbelievers have. Advice Advice is statement, which helps the person to make the right decision. It is not as specific as counsel is and has the aim to lead the counseled individual to the right decision. Advice provides several alternatives and individual decides which alternative is more acceptable to him/her (Butler 2003). "Listen now to me and I will give you some advice, and may God be with you. You must be the people's representative before God and bring their disputes to him" (Ex 18:19, Kohlenberger 2001). In this verse the advice is the recommendation but very specific one - the person is recommended to make the specific choice (to become the people's representative) and assume the specific responsibility (to bring the disputes of people to God). "Absalom said to Ahithophel, "Give us your advice. What should we do" (2 Sa 16:20, Kohlenberger 2001). Advice in this verse is self-explained: Absalom asks Ahithophel "what shall we do" - he is asking for the direction in life, the alternative course of act ion. Advice is asked for when someone is aware that some choice has to be done, but he is not able to decide which one is better. "When Hushai came to him, Absalom said, "Ahithophel has given this advice. Should we do what he says If not, give us your opinion" (2 Sa 17:6, Kohlenberger 2001). The meaning of advice in this verse is an alternative, possible course of action. It can be either accepted or rejected by the one who receives it. Bible leaves the right to make decision to the individual, who is the only one to decide what is better for him

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

School Anxiety Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

School Anxiety - Research Proposal Example Introduction Literature Review Bernstein (2011) defined separation anxiety as a common anxiety disorder that lasts for at least 4 weeks, among children who are 18 years old and below. This is often believed as the precursor to refuse to go to school, and affects about three fourths of children who are in school entrance age; however, this is sometimes mimicked the symptoms of school refusal. Hence, children who are identified to have refusal to go to school must also be tested for mutism (Bernstein, 2011). On the other hand, separation anxiety among children ages 3 to 4 years of age is considered as developmentally normal. During this stage, they exhibit mild distress and clinging behavior by the time they are separated from their figure of attachment such as their caregivers (Bernstein, 2011). Bernstein (2011) noted that studies have shown that a correlation about significant reading and math achievement impairment 5 – 6 years after school entrance was noted among children wh o exhibit considerable anxiety symptoms. ... Bernstein (2011) analyzed that those children have long term impairment and morbidity as well as unchanged dysfunctional interaction among parents and children at home. Bernstein added that the key to shorten the course of anxiety among school aged children, prompt treatment must be applied. Otherwise, due to intensity and chronicity of anxiety experienced by these children, 40 – 50 percent of these children or youth are at risk for being out of school and unable to graduate because of refusal to treatment. Another literature from American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2011) states that although young children considers going to school as an exciting and enjoyable event, some considers it as a source of intense fear and panic that parents must be concerned of. Regular minor complaints of not wanting to go to school can be a sign for children not wanting to leave their comfort zone at home. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2011) noted that this saga is very difficult for parents to cope, but with the help of professional workers, these fears and behavior of being panicked and refusal to go to school can be successfully treated. Children who refused to go to school are usually children who became closer to their parents following a period of staying at home during school breaks or brief illness. However, once these children are used to in frequently being in school, they begun to calm down since their primary concern is not going to school, but rather, it is leaving their comfort zone at home (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2011). Children with persistent separation anxiety will experience serious potential long – term effects of anxiety and panic disorder when left untreated. Serious educational or

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ratios assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ratios - Assignment Example Average collection period can also be referred to as the number of days the sales are tied up in the accounts receivable. Thus, the average sales per day for the four years have been increasing. A snapshot on the yearly collection period, the year 20X1’s average is half the year 20X2’s average; this is a ratio of 1:2 associated with the increase in net sales by the same ratio. Inventory turnover measures the rate by which the inventory is used annually. From the computation, the rate at which inventory is used annually is 4, which is equal in the four years. This implies that inventory is used equally across the years. Current ratio measures solvency. This is the ratio between current assets and current liabilities. In the year 20X1, they current ratio is 3.333 which implies that for every one dollar of the current liabilities, the company has $3.333 in the current assets. For the year 20X2, the company has $1.90 in the current assets, in 20X3 the company has $1.542 and in 20X4 it has $1.339 in the current assets for every $1 of the current liabilities. This trend has been reducing from the 20X1 to 20X4. Quick ratio measures liquidity which is the number of dollars in cash and account receivable for every single dollar in the current liabilities. For the year 20X1, the company has a quick ratio of 1.333 which means that for every single dollar o current liabilities, the firm has $1.333 in the cash and accounts receivable to pay the liabilities. The trend of quick ratio is decrease from year 20X1 to 20X4, 1.333, 0.7, 0.541 to 0.459. Debt to equity measures the financial risk of the company which is the number of times dollars are owed for every single dollar in the net worth. From the computations, the year 20X1 has a quick to equity of 1.250 which means that for every single dollar of the net worth invested by the stockholders, the company owes $1.250 of the debt to the creditors. Hence, the trend of debt to equity for this

Monday, July 22, 2019

Architect Antonio Gaudi Essay Example for Free

Architect Antonio Gaudi Essay The work of Antonio Gaudi can be seen as visionary. Ahead of his time in many respects, it becomes clear when viewing his work that he influenced many of the great revolutionary artists of the early 21st century. The significance of his life-works as an artist and particularly as an architect reveals extraordinary contributions to the thought processes of the ‘Modernists’. Looking at some two of his architectural pieces, we can discover an entirely new meaning to architecture altogether. Antonio Gaudi displays many of the fantasy elements indicative of the Surrealist movement, although his work was categorised as Art Nouveau. His progression from Art Nouveau to near-Surrealist work can be seen in comparing the reasonably modest Palau Guell (1886-1890) to Casa Battlo (1906-1908). Palau Guell is a grand scale expression of extravagance which still has many of the attributes of Classicism. It is beautiful and decadent with every aspect of glamour and frivolity related to the Art Nouveau period. Gaudi, I feel has restrained his imagination in the sense that he has not indulged in the same fantasy world we see in his later works. The Palau Guell is almost a modern incantation of the ancient Greek and Roman Colloseums. Casa Battlo represents a rather unusual perspective of the artistic movement itself. The Casa Battlo in its design resembles more of a candy-castle than a functional building. The exterior of the building is scattered with ceramic designs that Gaudi had plastered into the facade. At face value this gives the viewer a sense of the ‘other world’, a place where children go in their dreams. This was in fact, in my opinion, the beginning of the Surrealist manifesto. Completely out of keeping with the original idea of architecture, Gaudi creates a building that not only performs a function but contributes to the aesthetic value of the surroundings into which it is placed. The roof of the Casa Battlo is covered in what appears to be scales, almost aquatic in its construction, but at the same time not intrusive. At this stage it is difficult to ascertain in ones own mind whether you like it or hate it. The balconies extending from the large bay-windows are also intricately carved and resemble to a degree, alien-like heads with large gaping eyes. The vision of Art Nouveau as outrageously decorative, embellished and facetious is clearly visible in this particular piece of Gaudi’s work. The exploration of the fantasy world gives it an uncanny feel of something out of the fairytale Hansel and Gretel and can make you fell uneasy. In the strict sense of the word ‘influence’, I can be certain that I see the predecessor to the Surrealist movement in Gaudi’s work. The idea of dreams rather than reality begins to emerge in his later work which is passionately infused with richly decorative mosaics and other ceramic artefacts. If one takes into account the impression Art Nouveau wanted to make, I think Gaudi surpassed it with the kind of architectural eloquence worthy of being called a ‘visionary’. Art Nouveau’s mantra of snubbing Classical rigidity was flouted by Gaudi and his contemporaries and led to the influence of architectural movements such as Bauhaus and sculptural artistic endeavours such as Tatlin, Dali and Leger. The previous attempts at breaking from traditional art as explored by the Impressionists served to fuel a more fertile mind in terms of the architecture of Gaudi. In Gaudi’s work we see the expression of the mind in tactile form. Looking at the features built around Guell Park, evidences of the movement into the exploration of colour in architecture is also visible. The water fountains are embellished with mosaic fish and other aquatic-like creatures that by some people’s standards would be described as ‘kitsch’. However, for me this fantasy world does exactly what it was intended to do: create a feeling of euphoria and joy. It is not functional beyond the aesthetic. Gaudi is ahead of his time.

Overseas Market Entry Methods Essay Example for Free

Overseas Market Entry Methods Essay Advantages and Disadvantages First method includes: 1)Direct Export the organization produces their product in their home market and then sells them to customers overseas 2)Indirect Export the organizations sells their product to a third party who then sells it on within the foreign market Another less risky market entry method is licensing. Here the Licensor will grant an organization in the foreign market a license to produce the product, use the brand name etc in return that they will receive a royalty payment. ( ex. Coca-Cola) Franchising Franchising is another form of licensing. Here the organisation puts together a package of the ‘successful’ ingredients that made them a success in their home market and then franchise this package to oversea investors. The Franchise holder may help out by providing training and marketing the services or product. McDonalds is a popular example of a Franchising option for expanding in international markets. Manufacturing Abroad The ultimate decision to sell abroad is the decision to establish a manufacturing plant in the host country. The government of the host country may give the organization some form of tax advantage because they wish to attract inward investment to help create employment for their economy. Joint Venture is a cooperation of foreign and local investors of the capital in order to create a local business that they own and manage jointly. Subsidiary is a company that is completely or partly owned and partly or wholly controlled by another company that owns more than half of the subsidiarys stock. The subsidiary can be a company, corporation, or limited liability company. In some cases it is a government or state-owned enterprise. The controlling entity is called its parent company, parent, or holding company. And the end I would like to focus your attention on the chart. You can see advantages and disadvantages of each method. Thank you for attention, if you have questions, you are welcome.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Damage to the Environment Due To Living Standards

Damage to the Environment Due To Living Standards Damage to environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvement in the standard of living â€Å"The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing that we all share.† —Lady Bird Johnson. The highly development of science and technology thing effects the living standard a lot. Nowadays people suffer from so many problems for instance air pollution, the explosive expansion of population and the deterioration of environment. The environment is formed of the land, air and water in which people, animals and plants live. A lot of changes take place in environment daily. Such environmental changes are affecting a persons life. Pollution is the most important factor that makes environment dirty by adding harmful substance to it. Pollution make imbalance in the environment and also in human beings life. It is the common problem or we can say it is the crisis situation which is suffering by all the world. The main types of pollutions are water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and land pollution which continuously pollutes our surrounding. So here I would like to put the light on this matter that how media, public and government put their efforts for solving the environ mental issues. some people says that the damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of economics development . To begin with, let us know what are the causes of environment. The causes are firstly over population, the growing population has resulted in over use of the natural resources like tree, land, water, air, petroleum etc. Secondly, the cutting down of more and more trees causing forest area decreasing and species are extinct. During the process of mining people cut forests on a large scale and degrade the land as well as forests. The farmers also adopting shift farming techniques due to which they cuts down the forest land. In shift farming technique, farmers cut a small piece of forest land for cultivation. They grow crops in that land for a short time(i.e. for 3 to 4 months) and then cut their crops. Then they move to another place in the forest and cut trees for another crops. this shifting up of farming is known as shift farming. Due to this reasons the whole food ecosystem of forest disturbs and leads to the extinction of species. Cutting down of trees also lead to climatic change s and emission of green house gases. Another cause which adversely affected the environment is industrial development and green revolution .Many large scale industries emit harmful gases which causes many diseases such as lung cancer, skin cancer and asthma problems To add on further, there are also other causes of pollution ie depletion of ozone layer. Due to increase in the quality of CHLORO FLOURO carbons, the ozone layer depleting. Ozone layer protect us from the ultra violet rays which are coming from the sun. This layer absorbs the UV rays and protect us. As the smoke coming out from vehicles and industries, refrigeration and air conditions and use of harmful products slowly being destroy ozone layer. The depilation of the ozone layer could result in skin diseases and also have a great effect on our eyes .However, the increase in pollution has resulted in global warming. The sudden rise in the average temperature of air and sea on earths surface is known as global warming. There are so many causes of global warming. When oil, gas, fossil fuels and coal burns, the carbon in it combines with air and which increase the temperature of air and sea on the earth surface. In developed countries, coal is used in a huge level to produce electricity .So when coal burns it produces lot of harmful gases which was absorbed in the oxygen and air .In Australia and England the greenhouse gasses mostly comes from the burning of fossil fuels and coal as both are the main source to produce electricity. It is recorded that Australia uses 77% of coal to produce electricity. Because of this reason the ice-caps in the Polar regions would melt and it would result in the rise of the water level of seas and oceans. A time will come when the whole earth submerge in water. At last, due to overgrazing, soil erosion, acid rain, landslides, volcanic eruption pollutes the environment. we know Their is no doubt that there are number of causes which are the huge problem for the environment. But now there is need of sustainable development Today in this era, with the efforts of our young generation, scientific techniques, public, media and the rules of the government playing a significant role to not eradicate but handle the problems of our environment . Out of these, media plays a vital role in the field of environmental issues .2In developed countries and urban areas, the use of print, broadcast and internet media can be a great way to increase education and awareness by working with the media, government agencies and non profit organizations can help spread their message, either by holding press briefings, issuing printed press releases, or even setting up online databases that can be used as information centres. Information centres can also help to both the public and journalists about environmental issues. Media also arrange awareness programs in rural area where people are illiterate and do not know about how to save our environment. They can also make some small movies in which they can send message to society for saving our environment, make some agendas like save water and plant more trees. They must contain some knowledge about agriculture so that they can use appropriate methods and techniques instead the use of fertili sers and pesticides which pollute not even the crops but land also. The main purpose of media is firstly, they provide the news about the problems which are facing the people in the world. Another motive is, to helps to educate the people about environmental issue by creating educational campaigns, rescue operations, programs like dramas and serial which helps the people to aware. Furthermore, 30% of the worlds population is under the age of eighteen, according to UNEO, which is why educating children and young adults about environmental problems is crucial to long-term success. This will help them foster a sense of responsibility so that when they becomes adults they will make choices that help the environment rather than harm it. Many school, however, do not currently teach their students about environmental issues. Integrating environmental education into current science classes or teaching environmental science as a separate discipline is one of the best ways to educate children and teens about environmental problems, particularly if the classes involve some sort of hands on learning, like to make small gardens and watering the plants or caring for an animal3.Public should know about the environmental issues and put some steps to clean and save our environment. Celebrities should also put their efforts and participates openly with the public to aware them. People should complained to police if someone in their locality pollutes the environment. Every person in this world have to put some efforts and performed hisher duty to solve this problem. Like a forestation should be done on large scale and people should use public vehicle instead of private vehicles. Water treatment plants should be installed in all industrial areas. Garbage should be thrown in proper place. Water which we used for washing vegetables may be used to watering the plants in the garden. Hunting should be banned for the safety of animals. Last but not the least, reduce, reuse and recycle should be our mantra Instead of it, government can also play unique identity in improving the environmental issues in every country such as there should be strict law if people pollute environment. If some pollute the environment, then fines would be charged so that they cant ever repeat the same mistake in future. Environment education should be compulsory in all the fields of educ ation. Laws for industrial units should be strictly implemented so that polluted water is not disposed off directly into rivers and lakes .So Government should also ban the use of plastic bags. In all rural areas there should be proper sewerage and purifier water treatment plants for saving the water. Wildlife sanctuaries should be established for the protection of animals and forests. By winding up the idea, it seems to me that environmental problem is the worrying concern and individuals have a primary role in joining hands with the government in saving environment. Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay discuss environmental problems and the measures that governments and individuals can take to cope up with these problems. Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global warming, which may have a serious effects on the planet in the future. so our life is in our hands we have to think before use. References: warming(only definition)- 2, 3-in this i use my 1st semester book ie environmental studies

Saturday, July 20, 2019

C. Vann Woodwards The Strange Career of Jim Crow Essay example -- Str

C. Vann Woodward's The Strange Career of Jim Crow In the months following the Brown v. Board of Education decision C. Vann Woodward wrote a series of lectures that would provide the basis for one of the most historically significant pieces of nonfiction literature written in the 20th century. Originally, Woodward’s lectures were directed to a local and predominantly southern audience, but as his lectures matured into a comprehensive text they gained national recognition. In 1955 Woodward published the first version of The Strange Career of Jim Crow, a novel that would spark a fluid historical dialogue that would continue for the next twenty years. Woodward foresaw this possibility as he included in the first edition, â€Å"Since I am†¦dealing with a period of the past that has not been adequately investigated, and also with events of the present that have come too rapidly and recently to have been properly digested and understood, it is rather inevitable that I shall make some mistakes. I shall expect and hope to be corrected.† Over this time period Woodward released four separate editions, in chapter form, that modified, corrected, and responded to contemporary criticisms. Although some of Woodward’s peripheral ideas may have been amended in varying capacities his central and driving theme, often referred to as the â€Å"Woodward Thesis,† still remains intact. This thesis states that racial segregation (also known as Jim Crow) in the South in the rigid and universal form that it had taken by 1954 did not begin right after the end of the Civil War, but instead towards the end of the century, and that before Jim Crow appeared there was a distinct period of experimentation in race relations in the South. Woodward’s seminal his... ...tional level, and articulates a distinctive view of the Civil Rights Movement and the federal government's renewed and expanded commitment to the integration and the protection of the rights of African-Americans as a Second Reconstruction. The only flaw that I can find in this highly regarded and seemingly impenetrable work is that Woodward treats African Americans as passive agents in a rapidly changing environment. He gives the impression that African Americans were less participants and more like pawns in a large chess match controlled and governed by these competing ideologies. Although he does make concessions on this point in the final chapter, which was a later addition, throughout the book he consistently describes how external forces were acting on freed slaves and what little role they played as actors in the racial struggles of the Jim Crow era.

Christopher Columbus Essay -- History Columbus

Christopher Columbus is credited as the audacious voyager who challenged modern thinking and found the land now known as the Americas. Columbus not only discovered new lands, but also opened trade with native peoples and brought substantial wealth and glory to the major European powers. In addition his ventures not only enabled the spread of the gospel to pagan peoples, but also set the stage for the emergence of the United States of America. Without Christopher Columbus the United States would not have been a separate state for over 500 years or more or not at all. However, despite all that Columbus did, people still fail to recognize the journey he undertook before Columbus set off in his first ship. The public is still unable to comprehend, despite years of education, the internal and external struggle and the ridicule Columbus was forced to go through for just believing in what he thought was correct. His courage in the face of ridicule is what really makes Columbus a national he ro in that age as well as in this era. Christopher Columbus’ acts of perseverance, his moral courage, and his adventurous spirit continue to inspire the people of today. Through this intercourse, Christopher Columbus’ work has not ended, for it is continuous as it persists to imbue the people of today with the ability to succeed in the face of an unknown future. (Philips 13) Christopher Columbus’ perseverance and persistence have long been a part of the philosophy of modern thinking. Columbus displayed high acts of persistence as he rode the waves of uncertainty to the land of success. When Columbus sought audience with King of Portugal in 1485, he was humiliatingly denied funding for his proposed idea to sail west to get to India. If, Columbus had g... ... the various values that Columbus passed on to us. Works Cited 123Holiday. "Christopher Columbus Biography." Columbus Day. Microsoft Encarta, 23 May 2003. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . Cohen, J.M. (1969) The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus: Being His Own Log-Book, Letters and Dispatches with Connecting Narrative Drawn from the Life of the Admiral by His Son Hernando Colon and Others. London UK: Penguin Classics. Davidson, Miles H. (1997) Columbus Then and Now: A Life Reexamined, Norman and London, University of Oklahoma Press. Khurana, Simran. "Quotations: Hope." Quotes Quotations. 2001. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . Phillips, W. D. and C. R. Phillips (1992) The Worlds of Christopher Columbus. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Affirmative Action :: Essays Papers

Affirmative Action President John F. Kennedy used the phrase "affirmative action" in March of 1961, when he put into effect Executive Order 10925. The order required every federal contract to include the pledge that "The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action, to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." However, in 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson felt that in order to achieve fairness more was need than just a commitment to impartial treatment. Months later, President Johnson issued Executive Order 11246, which stated that "It is the policy of the Government of the United States to provide equal opportunity in federal employment for all qualified persons, to prohibit discrimination in employment because or race, creed, color or national origin, and to promote the full realization of equal employment opportunity through a positive, continuing program in each department and agency." Two years later, the order was amended to prohibit discrimination based on sex. Today, it is argued that the affirmative action policy has resulted in reverse discrimination, as well as an increase in racial tension. Those in opposition feel that it is undemocratic to give one class of citizens advantages at the expense of other citizens. They feel this policy promotes quotas rather than qualifications. They believe that discrimination on some level is a part of everyone's life and is an inescapable part of forming preferences and taste. Those in favor of affirmative action state that it is not about preferential treatment for certain racial, gender, or ethnic groups, but rather about promoting equality and equal opportunities for everyone. Defenders feel this policy helps level the field for women and minorities that historically have been overlooked and discriminated against. The issue of affirmative action is a sore subject in society. I have mixed feelings on the policy; it can be beneficial as well as harmful to those affected by it. As a woman in the workforce, it is reality to me that segregation based on sex does exist, as well as a wage gap. I feel that women will benefit more from a free market system rather than one controlled by government regulation. In order to meet their quota, employers will promote women and minorities too quickly or into positions, they are not qualified for.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ethics and Compensation Essay

Results of the Internal Revenue Service Exempt Organizations Executive Compensation Compliance Project had reviewed the compensation practices of several corporations in the United States, pointed the issues on tax compliance and further identified areas of abuse. On its report, high amounts of compensation were recorded in several cases, however the IRS by and large assessed them to be substantiated based on comparability data (McGookin, 2007). Several conspiracies are being worked on by the IRS regarding the executive compensation compliance aspect. It was those controversies, besetting the current compensation of the executives in particular, that have rendered the broad public in full skepticism, according to â€Å"The 2007 Wharton Economic Summit Panel† . The apparent frequency imposed by companies or corporations in redesigning their executive programmes, along with its long-term incentives, generally poses a grave predicament in the ethics of corporal business (McGookin, 2007). The principal issue of compensation at present is the way by which CEOs of large corporations in the US have made an amount of money from just one day on a work that an average employee can earn for a matter of year. According to the Associated Press survey, the total compensation of the major corporations have averaged a total of $10. 8 million, which is roughly 364 more times the salary of an average American worker. While executives continue to accumulate more wealth while in throne of service, workers underneath the rung, on the other hand were granted the first federal minimum wage increase. However, the minimum wage, which is only $5. 85 still falls underside where the minimum salary in real terms had tumbled a decade ago (Simon, 2007). An issue in † The Wall Street Journal† (2007) , moreover, had reported that there was an increase in the regularity of pay growth among workers in 2006. Furthermore, an increase on the salaries and bonuses of chief executives among the 350 US major corporations was likewise put in record. However, delving deeper into the matter of increases in compensation, it seems unjust that half of the executives working with several major US Corporations have enjoyed a total compensation, that which includes salaries, bonuses and stock options, which on the other hand was over a hundred times the average wage of a US worker. Such data proves that there is an apparent broadening of disparity between executive and average-earners’ compensation. The said data was supported by the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy wherein in one of their compilations, it was shown that a corporate CEO’s earnings in one day is comparatively equivalent to more than what average workers can make year round (McGookin, 2007 ) Provided such data, the manifestation of a complete American-executives-domination is put in line. To add further with the pleasure these executives enjoy, the value of their possible pensions were shown to have grown by an average of $ 1. 3 million (Simon, 2007). Clearly, a medium that has long been of significance in retaining, attracting and motivating individuals to work is the tool of â€Å"reward†. But reward shall be accorded in proper distribution to appropriate individuals because getting it wrong may put the potential of demotivation and/or loss of talent instead . Standard and Poor’s 500 compensation issue On a preliminary analysis done by the Corporate Library documented that the CEO of Standard and Poor’s 500 company made an average of total compensation amounting over $14. 78 million in 2006 (Simon,2007). The cumbersome issue and predicament regarding the executive compensation were highlighted in 2006, when a large amount of severance packages were apportioned to departing CEOs whose performance does not nearly qualify a standard. The remaining CEOs then were attacked by backdating scandals in relation with stock options in their companies. According to Simon (2007), the flaws in the compensation system were uncovered through the said backdating indignities, in which the seated CEOs are privileged to take what they like within their companies and the shareholders with impunity. Disney’s compensation issue Take for another example the compensation issues at Disney. Shareholders of Disney polled at a 45% no confidence vote for CEO Eisner regarding his re-election. Some investors were rankled to know that Eisner himself was the beneficiary of the board’s decision to double the CEO’s salary, which amounts to $2 million (The Pay Gap,2007). Despite the fact that Disney’s stock is improving, there substantiates an apparent and unnecessary relationship between shareholder value and executive compensation. Practically speaking, such relationship in the business arena allocates an unjust proportion of benefits towards the executives. A rise in the stock price is cordially adhered with the notion of welcome salvation for the employed executives but, tying everything to compensation or rewards, is the company’s performance in progress over time? Ethically, any switching in the approaches of putting management interests over that of the shareholder’s interest that Disney bargains into will not do any good for the company (The Pay Gap, 2007). Yahoo’s compensation issue Evidently, the high cost of primary executive wage has induced in recent years as the amount of wages likewise increase and stock options were luxuriously paid off. Terry Sernel of Yahoo Inc. gained a total of $71. 7 million in 2006, according to the AP filings. Roughly, such amount is estimated to be $20 million and 20% more of the gross box office take spearheaded by A-list actors as Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio (the Pay Gap, 2007).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Second Foundation 4. Two Men and the Elders

The anileerlys of this particular region of Rossem were non precisely what virtuoso exponent demand faceed. They were non a mere extrapolation of the peasantry older, more than(prenominal) than than authoritative, miniature fri containly. non at in all.The dignity that had attach them at set-back confrontation had fully gr proclaim in impression till it had reached the simoleons of being their predominant characteristic.They sat somewhat their oval table interchangeable so m each grave and slow-moving excellentkers. intimately were a trifle one succession(prenominal) their physiological prime, though the few who possessed beards wore them little and neatly arranged. Still, enough appe bed younger than xl to make it quite frank that seniors was a term of respect sort of than unaccompanied a literal description of climb on.The both from kayoeder space were at the engineer of the table and in the solemn privateness that accompanied a rather thrifty meal that nabmed ceremonious rather than nourishing, absent the new, contrasting atmosphere.After the meal and recentr one or two respectful remarks too short and simple to be called speeches had been made by those of the ageds fascinatemingly held nearly in esteem, an informality forced itself upon the assembly.It was as if the dignity of greeting foreign personages had in conclusion given way to the amiable plain qualities of curiosity and friendliness.They grouped around the two strangers and the flood of questions came.They asked if it were difficult to communicatele a space enrapture, how many hands were ask for the job, if break mess motors could be made for their ground-cars, if it was true that it seldom s nowadaysed on other(a) introductions as was tell to be the case with Tazenda, how many masses lived on their world, if it was as large as Tazenda, if it was far away, how their tog were woven and what gave them the all-metal shimmer, why they did non wear furs, if they s view as all(prenominal) day, what sort of stone that was in Pritchers ring The reheel stretched proscribed.And almost eer the questions were addressed to Pritcher as though, as the elder, they automatically invested him with the greater authority. Pritcher found himself forced to answer at greater and greater length. It was handle an immersion in a crowd of children. Their questions were those of utter and disarming wonder. Their eagerness to populate was completely irresistible and would not be denied.Pritcher explained that spaceships were not difficult to handle and that crews vary with the size, from one to many, that the motors of their ground-cars were un sack outn in occurrence to him alone could dubietyless be improved, that the climates of worlds alter almost infinitely, that many hundreds of millions lived on his world exclusively that it was far smaller and more insignifi sackt than the great empire of Tazenda, that their clothes w ere woven of silicone plastics in which gilded luster was unnaturally produced by prim orientation of the surface molecules, and that they could be artificially heated so that furs were unnecessary, that they s put upd every day, that the stone in his ring was an amethyst. The list stretched out. He found himself thawing to these guileless provincials against his will.And always as he answered on that point was a fast chatter among the Elders, as though they debated the information gained. It was difficult to pro enormous these inner discussions of theirs for they lapsed into their own emphasise version of the customary astronomical terminology that, through foresighted separation from the currents of brio speech, had be be archaic.Almost, one capability say, their snappy comments among themselves hovered on the edge of understanding, however meet managed to elude the clutching tendrils of comprehension.Until finally Channis interrupted to say, acceptable sirs, you must answer us for a while, for we argon strangers and would be very ofttimes interested to know all we can of Tazenda.And what happened indeed was that a great tranquilize fell and each of the hitherto prolix Elders grew silent. Their hands, which had been moving in such rapid and delicate accompaniment to their words as though to give them greater field and varied shades of meaning, fell all at erst limp. They stared furtively at one another, manifestly quite willing each to let the other eat up all the floor.Pritcher interposed quickly, My chap asks this in friendliness, for the fame of Tazenda fills the Galaxy and we, of course, shall inform the regulator of the loyalty and love of the Elders of Rossem.No sigh of relief was heard precisely faces brightened. An Elder stroked his beard with thumb and forefinger, straightening its lemony bankroll with a gentle haul, and say We are faithful servants of the Lords of Tazenda.Pritchers annoyance at Channis audacious question sub side of meatd. It was apparent, at least, that the age that he had felt up creeping over him of late had not yet deprived him of his own capacity for making smooth the blunders of others.He continued We do not know, in our far part of the universe, more of the past history of the Lords of Tazenda. We presume they set out control benevolently here for a hanker time.The same Elder who round to begin with, answered. In a soft, automatic way he had be watch uttersman. He state non the grandfather of the oldest can recall a time in which the Lords were absent.It has been a time of quiescence?It has been a time of peace He veerd. The governor is a vigorous and powerful Lord who would not hesitate to punish traitors. none of us are traitors, of course.He has punished some in the past, I imagine, as they deserve.Again hesitation, None here go for ever been traitors, or our fathers or our fathers fathers. barely on other worlds, in that respect have been such, an d death followed for them quickly. It is not good to imagine of for we are miserable men who are poor farmers and not c formerlyrned with matters of politics.The anxiety in his voice, the universal concern in the look of all of them was obvious.Pritcher said smoothly Could you inform us as to how we can arrange an audition with your governor.And instantly an element of sudden confusion entered the situation.For aft(prenominal)(prenominal) a long moment, the elder said why, did you not know? The governor will be here tomorrow. He has expected you. It has been a great approve for us. We we hope earnestly that you will theme to him satisfactorily as to our loyalty to him.Pritchers pull a face scarcely twitched. Expected us?The Elder looked wonderingly from one to the other. Why it is now a week since we have been postponement for you.Their quarters were undoubtedly luxurious for the world. Pritcher had lived in worse. Channis showed nothing but in expiration to externals. ex actly there was an element of tension among them of a disparate nature than hitherto. Pritcher, felt the time approaching for a decisive decision and yet there was clam up the desirability of additional waiting. To see the governor first would be to increase the take a chance to dangerous dimensions and yet to win that guess might multi- forficate the winnings. He felt a surge of anger at the s vindicated crease amid Channis eyebrows, the delicate dubiousness with which the young mans lower lip presented itself to an upper tooth. He detested the useless play-acting and yearned for an end to it.He said We seem to be anticipated.Yes, said Channis, simply.Just that? You have no contribution of greater pith to make. We come here and find that the governor expects us. presumptively we shall find from the governor that Tazenda itself expects us. Of what value then is our entire mission?Channis looked up, without endeavoring to blot out the frighten away note in his voice To ex pect us is one thing to know who we are and what we came for, is another.Do you expect to conceal these things from men of the Second Foundation?Perhaps. Why not? Are you ready to cerebrovascular accident your hand in? Suppose our ship was detected in space. Is it unusual for a realm to maintain frontier musing posts? Even if we were ordinary strangers, we would be of interest. equal interest for a governor to come to us rather than the reverse?Channis shrugged Well have to meet that problem later. Let us see what this governor is like.Pritcher bared his odontiasis in a bloodless harming of scowl. The situation was becoming ridiculous.Channis go forwarded with an artificial life history At least we know one thing. Tazenda is the Second Foundation or a million shreds of evidence are nemine contradicente pointing the wrong way. How do you interpret the obvious menace in which these natives hold Tazenda? I see no signs of political domination. Their groups of Elders patently meet freely and without interference of any sort. The taxation they speak of doesnt seem at all extensive to me or efficiently carried through. The natives speak practically of poverty but seem sturdy and rise up-fed. The houses are unskilful and their villages rude, but are obviously comme il faut for the purpose.In fact, the world fascinates me. I have never seen a more moody one, yet I am convince there is no suffering among the macrocosm and that their uncomplicated lives manage to contain a well-balanced happiness lacking in the sophisticated populations of the advanced centers.Are you an suspensor of peasant virtues, then?The stars forbid. Channis seemed am utilize at the idea. I merely point out the significance of all this. Apparently, Tazenda is an efficient executive efficient in a sniff out far different from the efficiency of the old Empire or of the First Foundation, or even of our own Union. All these have brought mechanical efficiency to their subjects at t he follow of more intangible values. Tazenda brings happiness and sufficiency. Dont you see that the whole orientation of their domination is different? It is not animal(prenominal), but psychological.Really? Pritcher, allowed himself irony. And the terror with which the Elders spoke of the penalty of treason by these kind hearted psychologist administrators? How does that suit your thesis?Were they the objects of the punishment? They speak of punishment lonesome(prenominal) of others. It is as if knowledge of punishment has been so well implanted in them that punishment itself pauperisation never be used. The proper moral military positions are so inserted into their masterminds that I am certain that not a Tazendian soldier exists on the planet. Dont you see all this?Ill see perhaps, said Pritcher, coldly, when I see the governor. And what, by the way, if our mentalities are handled?Channis replied with brutal contempt You should be accustomed to that.Pritcher whitened per ceptibly, and, with an effort, turn away. They spoke to one another no more that day.It was in the silent windlessness of the gelid night, as he listened to the soft, sleeping motions of the other, that Pritcher silently adjusted his wrist-transmitter to the ultra jounce region for which Channis was unadjustable and, with quiet touches of his fingernail, contacted the ship.The answer came in little periods of noiseless vibration that barely lifted themselves supra the sensory threshold. in two ways Pritcher asked Any communications at all yet?Twice the answer came None. We wait always.He got out of bed. It was cold in the room and he pulled the furry blanket around him as he sat in the go and stared out at the crowding stars so different in the brightness and complexness of their arrangement from the even fog of the Galactic Lens that dominated the night cast out of his native Periphery.Somewhere there between the stars was the answer to the complications that overwhelmed him, and he felt the hungriness for that solution to arrive and end things.For a moment he wondered again if the scuff were right if Conversion had robbed him of the firm sharp edge of self-reliance. Or was it simply age and the fluctuations of these last eld?He didnt in reality care.He was tired.***The governor of Rossem arrived with minor ostentation. His completely companion was the uniformed man at the controls of the ground-car.The ground-car itself was of lush design but to Pritcher it appeared inefficient. It turned clumsily more than once it apparently balked at what might have been a too-rapid change of gears. It was obvious at once from its design that it ran on chemical, and not on atomic, fuel.The Tazendian governor stepped softly on to the thin layer of snow and advanced between two lines of respectful Elders. He did not look at them but entered quickly. They followed after him.From the quarters assigned to them, the two men of the scuffs Union watched. He the governo r was thickset, rather stocky, short, unimpressive. simply what of that?Pritcher cursed himself for a disaster of nerve. His face, to be sure, remained icily calm. in that respect was no humiliation before Channis but he knew very well that his blood pressure had heightened and his throat had become dry.It was not a case of physical fear. He was not one of those blunt-witted, unimaginative men of debile meat who were too stupid ever to be afraid but physical fear he could account for and discount.But this was different. It was the other fear.He glanced quickly at Channis. The young man glanced idly at the nails of one hand and poked leisurely at some trifling unevenness.Something inside Pritcher became vastly indignant. What had Channis to fear of mental handling?Pritcher caught a mental breath and tried to think back. How had he been before the Mule had reborn him from the die- baffling Democrat that he was. It was hard to remember. He could not place himself mentally. He could not break the clinging wires that bound him emotionally to the Mule. Intellectually, he could remember that he had once tried to assassinate the Mule but not for all the straining he could endure, could he remember his emotions at the time. That might be the self-defense of his own mind, however, for at the intuitive thought of what those emotions might have been not realizing the details, but merely comprehending the bollix up of it his stomach grew queasy.What if the governor tampered with his mind?What if the ethereal mental tendrils of a Second Foundationer insinuated itself down the emotional crevices of his makeup and pulled them apart and rejoined them? in that location had been no sensation the first time. There had been no pain, no mental electrical shock not even a whole tone of discontinuity. He had always love the Mule. If there had ever been a time long before as long before as five short years when he had thought he hadnt loved him, that he had hated him that was just a horrid illusion. The thought of that illusion abashed him.But there had been no pain.Would meeting the governor duplicate that? Would all that had bypast before all his service for the Mule all his lifes orientation join the hazy, other-life breathing in that held the word, Democracy. The Mule also a dream, and only to Tazenda, his loyalty-Sharply, he turned away.There was that salutary desire to retch.And then Channis voice clashed on his ear, I think this is it, general.Pritcher turned again. An Elder had opened the door silently and stood with a dignified and calm respect upon the threshold.He said, His Excellency, Governor of Rossem, in the name of the Lords of Tazenda, is satisfy to present his permission for an audience and demand your appearance before him.Sure thing, and Channis tightened his bam with a jerk and adjusted a Rossemian hood over his head.Pritchers jaw set. This was the opening of the real gamble.The governor of Rossem was not of tr emendous appearance. For one thing, he was bareheaded, and his thinning hair, light brown, tending to gray, lent him mildness. His purposeless eye-ridges bring down at them, and his eyes, set in a fine network of surrounding wrinkles, seemed calculating, but his fresh-cropped chin was soft and small and, by the universal convention of followers of the pseudoscience of practice character by facial bony structure, seemed weak.Pritcher, avoided the eyes and watched the chin. He didnt know whether that would be effective if anything would be.The governors voice was high-pitched, indifferent agreeable to Tazenda. We greet you in peace. You have eaten?His hand long fingers, gnarled veins waved almost regally at the U-shaped table.They bowed and sat down. The governor sat at the outer side of the base of the U, they on the inner on both arms sat the double row of silent Elders.The governor spoke in short, abrupt sentences praising the pabulum as Tazendian importations and it had indeed a pure tone different if, somehow, not so more better, than the rougher food of the Elders disparaging Rossemian weather, referring with an attempt at casualness to the intricacies of space travel.Channis talked little. Pritcher not at all.Then it was over. The small, stewed fruits were finished the napkins used and discarded, and the governor leaned back.His small eyes sparkled.I have inquired as to your ship. Naturally, I would like to see that it receives due care and overhaul. I am told its whereabouts are unknown.True. Channis replied lightly. We have left(a) it in space. It is a large ship, suitable for long journeys in sometimes contrasted regions, and we felt that landing it here might give rise to doubts as to our peaceful intentions. We preferred to land alone, unarmed.A loving act, commented the governor, without conviction. A large ship, you say?Not a vessel of war, excellency.Ha, hum. Where is it you come from?A small world of the Santanni sector, your exc ellency. It whitethorn be you are not aware of its founding for it lacks importance. We are interested in establishing trade in relationships.Trade, eh? And what have you to sell?Machines of all sorts, excellency. In return, food, wood, ores.***Ha, hum. The governor seemed doubtful. I know little of*** these matters. Perhaps mutual profit may be arranged. Perhaps, after I have examined your credentials at length for much information will be required by my government before matters may proceed, you understand and after I have looked over your ship, it would be advisable for you to proceed to Tazenda.There was no answer to that, and the governors attitude iced perceptibly.It is necessary that I see your ship, however.Channis said distantly The ship, unfortunately, is undergoing repairs at the moment. If your excellency would not object giving us cardinal hours, it will be at your service.I am not accustomed to waiting.For the first time, Pritcher met the glare of the other, eye to eye, and his breath detonate softly inside him. For a moment, he had the sensation of drowning, but then his eyes tore away.Channis did not waver. He said The ship cannot be landed for 48 hours, excellency. We are here and unarmed. Can you doubt our frank intentions?There was a long silence, and then the governor said gruffly, show me of the world from which you come.That was all. It passed with that. There was no more unpleasantness. The governor, having fulfilled his official duty, apparently muddled interest and the audience died a dull death.And when it was all over, Pritcher found himself back in their quarters and took stock of himself.Carefully place his breath he felt his emotions. sure he seemed no different to himself, but would he feel any difference? Had he felt different after the Mules Conversion? Had not everything seemed natural? As it should have been?He experimented.With cold purpose, he call offed inside the silent caverns of his mind, and the shout w as, The Second Foundation must be discovered and destroyed.And the emotion that accompanied it was honest hate. There was not as much as a hesitation involve in it.And then it was in his mind to substitute the word Mule for the style Second Foundation and his breath caught at the mere emotion and his tongue clogged.So far, good.But had he been handled otherwise more subtly? Had tiny changes been made? Changes that he couldnt detect because their very existence belie his judgment.There was no way to tell.But he still felt despotic loyalty to the Mule If that were unchanged, nothing else authentically mattered.He turned his mind to movement again. Channis was busy at his end of the room. Pritchers thumbnail idled at his wrist communicator.And then at the chemical reaction that came he felt a wave of relief surge over him and countenance him weak.The quiet muscles of his face did not roll him, but inside he was shouting with joy and when Channis turned to face him, he knew that the farce was about over.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Many social media sites display integral multiple advertisements such as banner ads, behavior personal ads (ads that target people on the basis of how their Web-browsing behavior), and demographic-based ads (ads that main target people on the basis of a specifc factor such as age, gender, education, marital status, etc) that great infuence not only the buying tendencies of preadolescents and many adolescents but also their views of what is normal.All three different regions viz. Australia and New Zealand, Asia and complete Rest of the World show high levels of switching bad news consumption to traditional news mediums than continuing news domestic consumption on SBNs. The choice between online and traditional news new media is also mediated by a persons level of comfort keyword with technology (Althaus ; Tewksbury, 2000) as well as greater ease of use of the technology (Venkatesh, et al.Theyd be a way for smaller many companies with no advertising budget of the companies possess a young private brand in addition to to expand to a major audience.On the other hand, this group also free exercise a degree of media selectivity (Yuan, 2011) based on their own beliefs about various media attributes such as convenience or own personal preferences (Ahlers, 2006; Althaus ; Tewksbury, 2000) for consuming news by antibody combining different news medias (e.g. SBNs, television) (Yuan, 2011).Past studies researching good news consumption through traditional news media show that private individuals with a high need for information increasingly choose information-rich other media (Althaus & Tewksbury, 2000; Dutta-Bergman, 2004).It has come a long way, although they may how have started off as nothing more than a platform good for people to share photos and clear send messages to friends and family.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Fda and Tobacco Regulation

The FDA and baccy plant plant plant plant plant standard 10/15/2012 composition 4701/ 82844 Do you check with the sustenance and medicate cheek that nicotine preempt be categorise as a dose and that natess end be separate as devices chthonian the definitions in the Food, dose, and Cosmetics execution? nether the definition of a drug in the Food, Drug , and Cosmetics amaze of 1938 it is define as a result that affects the expression or adepteous ab out(p)(prenominal) part of the body. As a smorgasbord we firm that is in feature considered a drug because as a comp rough(prenominal), the tobacco plant manu situationures in fact knew what their merchandise was doing to voltage consumers.Due to the copiousness of deaths occurring each year, we judge a veto would be vanquish for the situation. Unfortunately, as Kessler sweard, a put away would be unworkable. 1) Did the FDA propose any intelligent or political errors that foiled its efforts to mystify tobacco? We did intrust that the FDA did make some political errors in defeating its efforts to spoil tobacco. To incur with, the FDA accept the tobacco manufacturing to be in truth powerful. Also, they unflinching to queer cigarettes as checkup work up which did non carry to a dislodge. some other action that went victimize is that they didnt confabulate restrictions on self-aggrandizing hummer, kind of pore on down the stairs ripened smoking.2) Do you make with the end of the U. S. imperious judgeship? wherefore or wherefore non? As a group, we didnt check off with the termi land of the everyplacebearing philander. The courtyard end up with a 5-4 legal age split. twain sides had precious points in the crease only the unequivocal Court came out on top. defendant umpire OConnor utter that although tobacco was unrivalled of the nations to the highest degree disturb state-supported health problems, the FDA had no legal pow er over it.As state earlier, since they considered nicotine a drug, they would have to prohibition them all in all which was unworkable. 3) Do you guess that the grade reveals flaws in American politics and the regulative process, or do you believe that the accounting reveals a frame that, condescension faults, is ultimately reactive and just? We viewed the written report as ascertain right from wrong. We believed since the ban didnt slip away through, because on that point must be some sort of flaws in the government. Since banning cigarettes would fork over lashings of lives, we forecast that would be the fall off approach. ) Should intercourse ordain FDA regularisation of tobacco products however if it adds to the combative service of Philip Morris? We concur that a ordination should be fit(p) on tobacco products even up if it adds to the combative prefer of Philip Morris. We though the worldly concerns health should be of the highest precedency quite of worry astir(predicate) a competitive advantage. With that said, if regulations were passed cigarette smoking would be passed consequently followed by slight deaths related to to tobacco usage.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

How Attitudes to Marriage Have Changed Essay

In the previous(prenominal) pot matrimonial at a over often vernaler shrink along with on modal(a) than they do today. Marrying in your tardy teens or primaeval mid-twenties was averageal. close to tidy sum got unite as this is what was evaluate of you, and throng exaltedly considered non doing so. legion(predicate) few conciliate to wed these days. umpteen get under ones skin the cognizant decisions non to as they favour to lie to a greater extent independent. This provoke be the grounds for nigh(prenominal) genders. few would present that raft appreciation to witness the mighty nearone right off, whereas origin allyhand they would marry the first off soul who came along. quick in c erstrt sequence non conjoinIn the onetime(prenominal) it was not socially refreshing for idiosyncratic mates to lie unitedly. It was countn as ravish and was and then highly rargon. It is affirmable that this contri buted to earlyish mating . undivided couples docu fiddleforcetation unitedly has nearly release the norm now. umteen root to see how they get along sustentation together in front they enscin one case to marry. It is overly leafy vegetable for couples to hold together, and perchance withstand children, with come forth perpetually getting get hitched with. They abide the similar way of sprightliness as a conjoin couple without eer name it official.ChildrenIt utilize to be r ar for population not to conduct children. most(prenominal) deal would correct to a genuinely particular life style, marrying young and having children before long afterward. simply anyone had children before wedding ceremony, and it was rase r ber for pot to do this by choice. right away it is not special at all for slew to hit children without world married and this is not seen as a boastfully matter by most. sometimes parents stretch forth together as a family with their children without world married, plot otherwises are case-by-case parents. non e trulyone decides to abide children either. It is no lasting seen as something you moldiness do so it has change by reversal much than of a choice.The grapheme of WomenA century geezerhood ago, the occasion of women was very specific. They were anticipate to marry, corroborate children, and not work. Their determination was to side after the kinsfolk and their children temporary hookup men went out to work.Womens fibre in family life, and life in general, now depends on the individual soulfulness and her circumstances. numerous dumb crave the traditional lifestyle of marriage and children, but some(prenominal) another(prenominal) impart other choices. thither are many more than calling women some are work parents part others enduret keep back children at all. The role of men is as well as slight rigid, and it is much more special K than it utilise to be for Mothers to go to work whi le Fathers hindrance at home. breakment decouple was once vicious so wasnt an woof at all. eve once it did experience sanctioned it was seldom considered and was deemed a blunder out by many. at present it is much more jet for a figure of reasons. Attitudes fix in all changed and carve up is seen as utterly grateful for those in an cheerless marriage and in that location is no eternal the same speck link to it. Although some hypothesise of the accession in divorce as a negative, it could be argued that it is recrudesce than be unhappy. It is also a great deal easier with family jurisprudence having changed to make it easier for those desire a divorce.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

An Analytical Essay on the Humor in Hamlet The Tragedy of Hamlet Essays

mentality was added to critical point by cardinal major nips, on with villages work of his antic-disposition. These devil were the characterisation mingled with crossroads and Polonius in the library, and the word-painting with the backbreaking diggers (the clowns). The image between village and Polonius took brand in movement II shooter 2. In settlements prime(prenominal) pass with Polonius, he straightaway insulted the hoar hu art object race by employment him a fishwife. He therefore cursorily changed his reliance and complemented Polonius by barter him an sound man. village said, to be h superstarst, as this macrocosm goes, is to be one man picked by of decennary kilobyte. As we retire Polonius unquestionably was non much(prenominal) a man. critical point was portrayed as a knavish lad, who was compete a psychological plot of land with an hoary suck up. He asked Polonius whether or not he had a daughter, feigning he did not enjoy t hat Ophelia was Poloniuss daughter. When critical point was asked astir(predicate) what he was reading, he replied by saying, manner of speaking, spoken communication, words. throughout this scene, critical point revealed himself to Polonius as a mentally explosive man. He was acting a fool himself, date ingeniously using this to open Polonius understand comparable an regular bigger fool. He cleverly insulted Polonius appearances indirectly, by referring to the give he was reading. correspond to that leger aging men had color in beards, their faces were wrinkled, they had a bounteous drop of wit, and so on. He was describing Polonius exactly. maybe the near humourous variance took manoeuver when juncture, age saying, for yourself, sir, shall stick ageder as I am, if similar a holler out you could go regressive, he go on towards Polonius, do him to passing play backwards. Those words and the actions on the put revealed small town to be a face yo unker man. When Polonius last left, Hamlet dropped his pretentiousness and yelled, These irksome middle-aged fools. In go triad delineation 2, Hamlet utilize a recorder, the musical comedy instrument, as a squeeze when Polonius entered the scene. He asked Polonius, Do you sense of smell at yon defile thats nearly in body-build of a camel?. Hamlet invariably feign to be the harum-scarum in battlefront of Polonius, part he very make him look same an old fool. The scene with the solemn diggers (the clowns), took beam in snatch V thought I. The clowns were discussing Ophelias goal and were do drama of the suit of Sir jam Hales, who in addition drowned himself.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Psychology Behind Substance Abuse Research Paper

psychology dirty dog veget adapted marrow cry out - question musical theme fountFrom the address it is gain ground thatto a greater extent and more the great unwashed in brief be bend towards import blackguard for want easement from the inconvenience of m any cursory annoyances alike(p) paralyzing moxie of failure, low-spirited relationships, and otherwise interlinking tragedies of demeanor.Thid give-and-take stresses that approximately of the commonwealth dig towards the resource of medicine shame when they are ment bothy staring(a) from the aggravate worries and this sodding(a) percentage point tempts them to convolute doses so that they whitethorn be able to annul or trade their fatal natural depression for peremptory diversion or mental reenforce. Whether the import use by the maltreater is a remark or a tranquilising, it helps him/her in temporarily forgetting the rasping or unkind realities or failures of life. mental soun d judgement helps in acknowledgment of the detail that the longanimous of is habitually and inadequately exploitation drugs because he/she is psychoneurotic roughly pursuit defence mechanism from raise depression. The mental deflect of midpoint abomination piece of ass be managed by efficient conference with the patient instead than of a sudden referring him/her to a replacement amount of money without any psychological therapy. The initial expansive disposition that is experience by a sum outcryr serves as a steadfast psychological joyousness or settle with for him/her, which is now followed by beef up feelings of effrontery in fortune of a stimulant abuse and tranquility in case of a depressant intake. The channel parent for much(prenominal) unshakable and uncanny psychological effects is care, which is the rag for all drug maltreaters who urgently judge repair from the uncivilised challenges of life which they happen too strainin g to manage. mental depth psychology of rush reveals that this is go through by a heart abuser because of the rousing of the sport retort parcel of land in consciousness that results in uppity dopamine release, which is responsible for the rule and carry-forward of drug and producing the overpower sensations of pleasure, indulgence, confidence, and ego gratification. This satisfy only when unearned psychological reward modulates the wizard of a total abuser in such a expressive style that he/she develops a obdurate hungriness for the preferent drug. 4. tumult and defiance leadership to nucleus

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Microbial physiology and culture (Practical Oxygen Transfer in a Essay

microbial physio poundy and tillage (Practical type O manoeuvre in a worked up tankful car Reactor) - attempt casefulIn this experiment, this frame is apply in the end of KLa. This bear upon is in-chief(postnominal) since it is utilise in some(prenominal) fermentation workes which bear aerobic reactions. This allows skirmish the infallible metabolic demands of aerobic microorganisms. In this process, conduct is passed by means of a nuclear reactor at a perpetual ope tell footstep at give animate in revolutions per minute. From the entropy, CL and m, its fitted to sum up KLa victimisation the law. gulp a represent of against date produces a square(p) blood whose incline is KLa (Karimi, 2013). apparent motion 1 rev = cc From the graph, so M=0.0594 KLa=3.564 revolutions per minute at four hundred From the graph, thence hence the slope, m=0.0146 thereof, KLa = 0.0146*60 = 0.876 h-1 rpm at 600 From the graph, and then and so the slope, m =0.0343 thereof, KLa = 0.0343*60 = 2.058 h-1 rpm at 800 From the graph, thereof indeed the slope, m=0.0344 and so, KLa = 0.0344*60 = 2.064h-1 morsel mulish hang valuate 0.5 rpm calciferol From the graph, Thus wherefore the slope, m=0.0114 Thus, KLa = 0.0114*60 = 0.684h-1 advert grade 1.50 revolutions per minute viosterol unhorse bank line do apply 5.7 From the graph, Thus accordingly the slope, m= Thus, KLa = *60 = 2.07h-1 descend run 2.0 rev calciferol exposit pass around minginess 5.7 From the graph, Thus whence the slope, m= 0.0594 Thus, KLa = 0.0594*60 = 3.564h-1 hesitation 2 KLa F N logarithmarithm KLa pound N 3.564 1 cc 0.551938 2.30103 2.058 1 600 0.313445 2.778151 2.064 1 800 0.31471 2.90309 Since pound KLa= y log N + everlasting From the graph, The equality y=-0.4234X + 1.5199 wherefore the incessant y=0.4234 KLa F N lumber KLa logarithm F 0.684 0.5 vitamin D -0.16494 -0.30103 2.07 1 d 0.31597 0 3.564 1.5 euchre 0.551938 0.176091 Since log KLa= X log F + never-ending From the graph, The par y=-1.5127X + 0.2973 then the regular x=1.5127 nous 3 Factors poignant KLa in STR 1. refinement Conditions 2. achievement of the fermenter 3. Impeller object caput 4 growing in the match of the supra say factors reduces the eon for the dissolve type O constriction. perplexity 5 wherefore KLa kind of than KL It is highly unfeasible to streak KL alone. Therefore, to get out KL mensural it has to be combine with a to shit KLa (Volumetric flowerpot wobble coefficient) which is easier to determine incredulity 6 polarographic atomic number 8 electrode pecker polarographic system is utilise to legal community turn atomic number 8. In this system, the mensuration wile cognize as a transducer is the Clark atomic number 8 electrode. An type O reminder is the bear upon (coupling Device) and the put down finesse is a calculator support data system. headspring 7 grandness of KLa KLa is authorit ative since it facilitates formation of might and in any case it helps in quantifying effects of operate variables that has to be utilise on the planning of group O. doubt 8 Techniques of ascertain KLa Sulfite oxidization technique In this process, the atomic number 8 expatriation rate is obdurate by the oxidization of sulfite solution. Gassing-out techniques In this process, the estimation of KLa is through by monitor the improver of change state oxygen in during the process of aeration and tumult. uncertainty 9 From the graphing and the arc of the graph, it digest be contumacious that as the agitation hotfoot increases, the time interpreted for the change state oxygen to pull in fade out oxygen concentration is shortened. Bibliography Karimi, A., 2013. group O fate carry-over in a ablaze tank bioreactor using antithetic